
Zero Presence But Many Presents: My Remote Start at QAware

by Felix Kampfer | 784 words | ~4 min read

Felix shares his impressions of starting work at QAware 100% remotely.

HikariCP on Jakarta EE

by Sascha Böhme | 567 words | ~3 min read

Examples for an implementation of an efficient JDBC connection pool using Jakarta EE on Payara.

Presenting Software EKG - COVID-19 Edition

by Karl Herzog | 790 words | ~4 min read

Our latest tool to analyze global COVID-19 data.

Collaborative Monitoring

by Florian Lautenschlager | 1189 words | ~6 min read

We found a helpful approach to collaborative monitoring in a large project that we want to share with you.

OOP 2020

by Florian Kowalski, Uli Schweikl, Vanessa Paulisch and Stefan Billet | 1162 words | ~6 min read

A field report from the 2020 OOP conference in Munich.

Breaking your build on SonarQube quality gate failure

by Moritz Kammerer | 468 words | ~3 min read

A summary on my QAlabs project for a Maven plugin and a standalone application to break the build on SonarQube quality gate failure

A Field Report From the O’Reilly Software Architecture in Berlin

by Susanne Apel, Stephan Klapproth, and Andreas Zitzelsberger | 1108 words | ~6 min read

Last week, we were at the O’Reilly Software Architecture in Berlin. In this article we share our key learnings and takeaways with you.

DevOps Enterprise Summit

by Michael Rohleder | 843 words | ~4 min read

Dieser Artikel liefert eine Zusammenfassung meiner persönlichen Eindrücke zum Besuch des DevOps Enterprise Summits in Las Vegas.

How to dispatch flux to worker in Reactor

by Andreas Grub | 1498 words | ~8 min read

This post shows how to dispatch a flux of items to services of separated functional domains when using Reactor in Java.

Virtual Kubelet - Run pods without nodes

350 words | ~2 min read

An introduction to Virtual Kubelet - run pods without nodes

ContainerDays 2018: Top talks on day 2

by Moritz Kammerer | 1278 words | ~6 min read

I attended the ContainerDays 2018 in Hamburg and want to give you a short summary of the talks I visited.

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