by Harald Störrle | 925 words | ~5 min read
I give you my impressions from a presentation on Domain Driven Design at the SEACON.
by Silke Tautorat | 569 words | ~3 min read
Impressions of an extraordinary keynote by two 13-year old pupils and eleven lessons learned from a large agile project.
by Moritz Kammerer | 1652 words | ~8 min read
I visited the building IoT at Cologne, Germany in June 2018. The following is a list of the talks I attended and found interesting.
by Fabian Huch | 1160 words | ~6 min read
Talks and workshops I attended of the 25th conference on Software Analysis, Evaluation and Reengineering (SANER).
1791 words | ~9 min read
Our highlights of JavaLand 2018
by Harald Störrle | 1015 words | ~5 min read
The first set of results from a research project into the perceptions of code quality.
by Moritz Kammerer | 732 words | ~4 min read
We show you our approach on how to develop Eclipse SmartHome bindings with IntelliJ And Docker.
by Felix Obenauer | 1139 words | ~6 min read
The most interesting topics we experienced during this year’s Software Circus include AI/ Machine Learning, Software Architecture, DevOps.
by Harald Störrle | 1350 words | ~7 min read
Motivation and scope of a research project into the perceptions of code quality by different stakeholders
by Stefan Billet | 1216 words | ~6 min read
To provide synchronized data cache access, I discuss three alternatives in Java 8.
by Josef Adersberger | 247 words | ~2 min read
A short tutorial on how to use Docker within intelliJ and with a little help from Gradle.