Code Quality

SonarQube with JaCoCo in multi-module Maven project

by Andreas Grub | 1924 words | ~10 min read

How to set up a SonarQube code analysis using the Sonar Maven Plugin including code coverage with the JaCoCo Maven plugin.

MaLTeSQuE / SANER 2018

by Fabian Huch | 1160 words | ~6 min read

Talks and workshops I attended of the 25th conference on Software Analysis, Evaluation and Reengineering (SANER).

"I know it when I see it": Perceptions of Code Quality (Part 2)

by Harald Störrle | 1015 words | ~5 min read

The first set of results from a research project into the perceptions of code quality.

"I know it when I see it" - Perceptions of Code Quality

by Harald Störrle | 1350 words | ~7 min read

Motivation and scope of a research project into the perceptions of code quality by different stakeholders